1. "If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You." - Steve Jobs

2. "People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do." - Rob Siltanen

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Quote By "Rob Siltanen" | TalKINLGLY 

"The Man Who Has Confidence In Himself Gains The Confidence Of Others." - Hasidic Proverb

4. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

5. "We aim above the mark to hit the mark." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

6. "You just can’t beat the person who never gives up." - Babe Ruth

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Quote By "Babe Ruth" | TalKINLGLY 

"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." - Napoleon Hill

8. "Why should you continue going after your dreams? Because seeing the look on the faces of the people who said you couldn’t… will be priceless." - Kevin Ngo

10. "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." - John D. Rockefeller

11. "If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time." - Steve Jobs

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12. "There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed." - Ray Gopforth

13. "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." - Jim Rohn

14. "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison

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15. "Don’t take too much advice. Most people who have a lot of advice to give — with a few exceptions - generalize whatever they did. Don’t over-analyze everything.  I myself have been guilty of over-thinking problems. Just build things and find out if they work." - Ben Silbermann

16. "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs, co-founder, Chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.

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17. "The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be." - Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder 

18. "Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical." - Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks 

19"Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success." - Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter

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20. "You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream" - C.S. Lewis, British writer
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HII EVERYONE, Welcome to "TalKINGLY FACTS" Series.!

In this series, we will cover all types of topics that you can think of.

This is the second post #2 of this series in which we have collected facts related to psychology, tech, filming, animals and many more.

So let us start:

1. Filming is not allowed in Haward University. 

Harvard University has produced many talented, successful full people like Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc. Due to this many biography films and film-based on students life are made around Haward University.

But the truth is Haward has banned film shooting since 1970 after they found that many trees on their ground are got damaged by the filmmakers while shooting films. They even don't allow tripods in the University.
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Filming or photography is prohibited
So you can now conclude that the movies made after the 1970s are not actually made in Haward University but are shot in other Universities like Wheaton College, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign. 

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Wheaton College, USA
2. Apple didn't have made the first iPhone.

You probably have known only about Apple's iPhone. But Cisco had made the first device named iPhone and launched it just 22 days before Apple announced its iPhone.

The purpose of Cisco's iPhone is to allow its customer to use Skype without using a computer.  
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The First iPhone
Cisco sued Apple for copying its product name "iPhone" but after lawsuit, it's declared that both companies will have the right to use the name "iPhone".

3. You can't cry in space.

 You laugh in space normally, but you can't cry in space normally like as on Earth.

Crying in space is quite different with zero gravity.
A Canadian astronaut(Chris Hadfield) when asked that, if he could cry in space? 

He replied-"Can you cry in space? Your eyes make tears but they stick as a liquid ball. In fact, they sting a bit. So, space tears don't shed."
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Chris Hadfield - Cring in space
4. Shark has the strongest immune system.

Shark has a very complex and developed immune system. They have immune to many viral infections or diseases but not to all. They can get a tumor.

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Tumor in Sharks
But, good news for humans is that scientists have found a compound called Squalamine, present in the shark tissues which can be used for the treatment of cancer in Humans.

  • Sharks are totally immune to cancer(of all types).
  • Sharks have immune to all diseases.
  • They never get ill.

5. French Kiss got its name after, when British and American soldiers returning from World War II, kissed their wives and girlfriends like in the style French people do because they (soldiers) found it more adventures and passionate.
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Animated French Kiss
Moreover, it is scientifically proved that kissing is very beneficial for your health. It reduces the level of stress and also it increases the level of Happiness Hormones (like Dopamine and Endorphins) in the body.

6. Blue whales have the largest heart in the world.

Blue Whales are the biggest creature in the world. In average their length varies from 70 ft (21.336 m) to 80 ft (24.384 m) but the largest recorded 98 ft (29.9 m).

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A Giant Blue Whale
And their average weight varies from 100 tons (91,000.5 kg) to 150 tons (1,36,000 kg), the heaviest recorded was 173 tons (1,57,000 kg).

Thus,  to supply blood throughout their arteries they have the largest heart in the world and its size is similar to the Volkswagen  Beetle car.

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Blue Whale Heart
7. Till now only twelve-men have set their foot on the Moon.

And all the 12 men are American astronauts.
For the first time by Apollo 11 mission, 1969 human beings walked on the surface of the Moon and for the last time by Apollo 17 mission, 1972.

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Men who walked on the Moon
But in a tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump, he mentioned that they are restoring NASA and planning with a big budget of $1.6 Billion to land humans again on the Moon's surface by the year 2024.

8. Everyone is your relative.

In research taken by an international team of scientists, it is found that 99% of DNA of humans and chimpanzees are the same. 

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Human face Evolution
Also, all human beings share 99.9% of the same DNA. The only 00.1% of the makes the difference which gives each human being a different Identity.

So, it means that you are more similar than different.

9. Hot water freezes faster than cold water.

This may look like a strange thing is happening. But this phenomenon has been seen many times by scientists also this not happens every time but mostly.

if you are thinking that this can't happen, then try to do this by yourself.

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Water Freezing in a glass
Now you will have a question in your mind that - "why hot water freezes faster than cold water."

And the answer is that it's still been a mystery for the scientists and they still haven't found a proper reason for this phenomenon. 

10.SpongeBob (a character of a popular T.V. series "SpongeBob SquarePants").

In real-life, Sponge is an aquatic animal which has no mouth, eyes, head, tail, central nervous system, the brain even heart called Sea Sponge. The creator of this character is a Marine Biologist.

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Ball Shaped Sea Sponge
In the T.V. show, you may saw SpongeBob walking and running in the sea bottom but in reality, Sea Sponges can't move and are rooted fixed in a place.

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Sea Sponge
The sponges that you use in our homes are designed by Sea Sponges. 

Hope You Like Our Work
If you find this post useful then,
and let us know in the comments section, which fact you like the most? 


 Also read,
TalKINGLY Facts #1 - click here
This series has been made for knowledge purposes. This is the first post of this series. All the posts of these posts will consist of random mind-blowing facts. So don't worry we will not leave any fact on the earth unknown to you. So let's start:

1. Wall of Periodic Table.
Billionaire Bill Gates has a giant Wall of Periodic Table (including all known lanthanides and actinides) in his office with samples of all elements in it. 
science-facts, amazing-facts, talkingly-facts, bill-gates-facts, talkingly
Wall of Periodic Table (at Bill Gates office)
Best Motivational quotes -check it out.

2. Chewing Gum is banned in Singapore.

You will be fined by the police if you got caught while chewing your gum. So for your safety don't carry a chewing gum within Singapore.

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Chewing Gum

3. Rowan Sebastian Atkinson is the real name of the person whom we know as Mr.Bean.
He is one of the most loving and funniest characters of all time. Also, he has a master's in Electrical Engineering.

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Rowan Sebastian Atkinson (Mr.Bean)

4. Another fact of Mr.Bean.
This character was earlier named as Mr.White then the creators of the show were started throwing some vegetable names and then Mr.White becomes Mr.Cauliflower and then finally changed to Mr.Bean.

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5. Crabs have their own version of the fist pump. Male crabs wave their claws in the air to attract females.

6. McDonald's earns about 75 Million U.S. Dollars every day and spends about 1 Billion Dollars yearly on direct media advertising.
" We are eating a lot and they are earning a lot. "

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7. It's illegal to take pictures of the Eiffel Tower at night.
Cause sharing your own pictures of the iconic structure at night is a copyright violation.

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Eiffel Tower

8. The Elephant is the only animal that can not jump.
The reason is simple -they don't need it. Jumping is a way for many animals like kangaroo, monkey, etc to protect themselves from being killed predators, others depend on the size of their huge body and social group.

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9. Reading actually makes you seem sexier, especially to women.
This sounds interesting and weird at the same time hh:?
But it's a fact, you may have seen this type of situation in your class or college or may even in your workplace.

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Sapiosexual women generally prefer intelligence as the only attractive thing in a man and how he looks doesn't matter much to them.
Well, that's not the end Sapiosexual women can be impressed by handsome guys but if the guy fails in an intelligent conversation with her, he can miss the chance of dating her.

10. Humans are the only animals with chins, no other animals have a chin.
Maybe you are thinking of chimpanzee or an ape but they also don't have chin even our closest ancestors does not have a chin on their face.

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Many scientists still don't know what is the use of the chin and many think that it is the useless part of our face.
So, a little question for you is that,
Have you ever been used your chin for something, if YES then how?

Share your answer in the comment section below, we are very curious about your answer :)

If you find this post useful then,
and let us know in the comments, which fact you like the most?

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Hii Everyone..!
Welcome to TalKINGLY, the place where you can get yourself Motivated and Inspired.
So, as you have already been read the title today I will share Top 10 ways that can change your present life and help you to become more active, healthy and productive in life which is very important for a person who have some goals in his life and wants to achieve them.
Life is not simple but it gets complicated, it gets crawled. People get stressed because of doing many things at the same time and ends up with no work completely done. Sometimes the can be your bad health, mood or may because of some toxic people in your life, or the reason can be you yourself the reason can be anything.
So, here's what I have found the most valuable ways to simplify your life, and become more productive in life.

    Morning is the most important part of your whole day cause it decides how your day will pass. If you want your day to go right then first make sure you started it right in a planned manner. It's very important to optimize your every morning in order to have good control in your life. You can optimize your morning by doing some following things in the morning:     

    a) Wake up every morning at the same time,
    b) Drink plenty of water just right after waking up.
    c) Make your bed immediately this counts as your first win of the day.
    d) Do some physical activities like jogging or exercise or yoga whatever you like to do, but you should do at least one.


    e) Watch something motivational or educational that motivates you, inspires you. You can do meditation as well it improves the power of brain concentration.

    f) Make a list of the things that you want to get done that day before going to bed. 

    g) Add one thing for the day that pushes you a step closer to your long term goals. 

    h) Go and WIN YOUR DAY.

    It's very important to have some goals cause if you don't know what you want or where you are going in your life, you will never reach any achievement in your life.             


    So set a weekly, monthly and yearly goals, fix your daily targets, work for that daily target in a planned manner and ma
    rk all your progress. Start by thinking about the long-term goals that you want to achieve, about the things that you need to have done in the next two years, in the next 6 months, in this month, and in order to achieve your long-term goals distribute it into daily goals, so that you can come closer a step daily to your big goal.



    It means stop doing things doesn't add any progress to you, like stop reading newspapers or watching the news that doesn't make you get closer to your goals, you should avoid alcohol because you need a healthy brain and body in order to give your 100% in what you do.


    You should meet, hang out, engage with your friends, its more good if you meet them face-to-face because they are the people who think like you and supports you cause they are your friends. 

  4.  USE A CALENDAR:     
    You should have a calendar in the place where you can see it easily, Mark all the important days and deadlines, before which you have to complete your work or target. Work according to your calendar and following your calendar should be your priority.


    Okay, sometimes it may happen with you that you will get stuck in the things that are other than the things that push you closer to your goals like if anyone in your family or in your group is getting married and obviously they want you to attend their wedding maybe you also want too, so in this type of situations make sure that before you attend the wedding or anything you have completed your work or target.

  5. PAY OFF DEBT:     
    The more debt you have, the more complicated life becomes, the sooner you get debt-free, the sooner you get to enjoy the life.  

    Debt can be one of those scary dreams that can make you keep up in the night, it can make your life badly unstable. In the financial perspectives, the best way to get out of this debt hole is to stop digging, and then begin building up that staircase so you can get back to the surface and breath freely

  6. READ MORE:    
    The more you read, the more you will understand both yourself and the world. Reading more means learning more in order to get as much information about your goal so that you know what it takes to achieve it and you can work on for it in a better way.

    Now a day there are tons of ways through which you can learn whatever you want, Youtube, Blogs, Audio-books are the best source of learning online anywhere at any time and the best thing about it is that most of the things you can learn free of cost.

    Yes, this is the way many people are leaving most of them are youths and adults and that's the reason why they have a complex life. They always concentrate more on what other people think of them, what others expect from them rather than concentrating on what they expect from themselves.

    Just ask yourself honestly, am I also doing this same thing?...

    If your answer is NO, then congrats your life is in the right direction. But if your answer is YES, then buddy its time for you to CHANGE time to make yourself THE PRIORITY. Remember you're not born to live according to others, don't give anybody any right to control your life, you have got only one life, you are the only one who can make it Happy.

    "Don't expect from others, expect from yourself "

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